Family, Gender Identity, Gender Studies, Marriage, Pregnancy

More Thoughts on Supporting the Husband of a Pregnant Woman

Nothing about the birth of my child was about the other person that had so much to do with it: my husband.  I have already discussed this matter previously, but I think it’s such an important topic that I have to bring it up again. During labor, no one took care of my husband.  And… Read More More Thoughts on Supporting the Husband of a Pregnant Woman

Family, Marriage, Parenting

Parenting and Marital Happiness: Not Mutually Exclusive

I am a bit of a nerd, just in case you haven’t noticed yet.  I love reading studies and reflecting on the implications of the results found.  However, I also can be quite harsh when it comes to studies that demonstrate a combination of laxity in their data analysis and over-confidence in their interpretation.  I… Read More Parenting and Marital Happiness: Not Mutually Exclusive

Family, Marriage, Parenting

Strengthening Your Marriage: Continuing The Work After Baby

Things can get quite…  Disorganised, shall we say?  After a baby is born.  One of the pieces of advice my husband and I took to heart was to not forget about our marriage and each other, and to make space for one another. We have found that the devil—or in this case, the angel?—is in… Read More Strengthening Your Marriage: Continuing The Work After Baby

Family, Happiness, Marriage, Parenting

Strengthening a Marriage Through the Common Experience of Raising Children

I recently wrote about how I didn’t think marital happiness and raising children were, despite what some might say, mutually exclusive.  But my husband and I had seen how some of our friends’ marriage suffered after having children, and so we decided to do research and take preventative measures to make sure it wouldn’t happen… Read More Strengthening a Marriage Through the Common Experience of Raising Children

Community Building, Marriage

Weddings Bells and Community Building

If marriage is meant to create families—i.e. the building blocks of society—then weddings are part of the process in which societies are built. And interestingly enough, I find that even weddings that are not organised with community building in mind bring people together and develop strong bonds between them like few other events can. I… Read More Weddings Bells and Community Building

Family, Marriage, Parenting

Helping My Husband (Not): How The Best Intentions Can Go Wrong

One of the things that bothers me to no end is how fathers are underappreciated.  I won’t ever forget how, despite his exhaustion and the emotional toll of worrying about his wife and baby, no one took care of my husband during our baby’s birth.  The most ironic part of this story is that because… Read More Helping My Husband (Not): How The Best Intentions Can Go Wrong

Family, Marriage, Parenting, Personal Development

Parenting and Marital Happiness: Not Mutually Exclusive

I am a bit of a nerd, just in case you haven’t noticed yet.  I love reading studies and reflecting on the implications of the results found.  However, I also can be quite harsh when it comes to studies that demonstrate a combination of laxity in their data analysis and over-confidence in their interpretation. I… Read More Parenting and Marital Happiness: Not Mutually Exclusive

Consultation, Empowerement, Gender Identity, Gender Studies, Marriage, Personal Development

What Did He Mean? Some Thoughts on Justin Bieber’s Latest Track

Let’s be honest, ladies; we do experience mood swings that take us completely by surprise. It’s so confusing, irritating, and frustrating to not understand what is going on in our own bodies and minds. I can understand that it’s also irritating to those around us to live through a mood swing; but what is needed… Read More What Did He Mean? Some Thoughts on Justin Bieber’s Latest Track

Marriage, Personal Development, Romance

A Valentine’s Day Special: Applying the Lessons of Romantic Love to Other Relationships

Happy Valentine’s Day! Taking a day to celebrate romantic love is sweet indeed. After all, from romantic love is born a family; romantic love creates a healthy space where children are raised; a healthy family creates a strong family; and a strong family unit contributes to the well-being of society. Rethinking that gift, are you… Read More A Valentine’s Day Special: Applying the Lessons of Romantic Love to Other Relationships