Community Building

No, Really, The Queen is not the Only Reason You Won that Chess Game

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Have you ever watched the flow of traffic in a heavily frequented area from a high vantage point?  No one vehicle is more important that the other; all must pass.  As soon as one vehicle thinks of itself as more important and tries to get ahead of itself, it causes some sort of backlog.  In sharp contrast, even in the densest traffic, the sea of vehicles opens as if by magic when an emergency vehicle is flashing its lights.

Similarly, if we think of the flow of people weaving through the fabric of society, no one job is more important than the other.  In some situations, certain roles take precedence.  For example, when there is a fire, we readily and happily point make way for firefighters.

Why do some people believe that their job is so important that they can step on the rights of others?  It boils down to the conception of society that we hold.  In an individualistic society, each person believes that they are the most important; similarly, their role is the most important.  But of course, with our ever increasing connectedness, it is not sustainable to believe that any one person (country, corporation, or organization, for that matter) is more important that the others.  We have to learn to work with each other in such a way that we all get to where we want to go – much like vehicles on the road.

If we are to create a society in which each one of us can develop personally and advance collectively, both spiritually and materially, we all become part of an intricate machine of sorts, whose functioning is dependent on a delicate balance of all of us doing our job.  And in such a mindset, no job is unimportant.  Every single task is imbued with a special significance, because, when well done, it contributes to the advancement of society.

When a game of chess is won, can it be said that the Queen was the reason for this victory?  Of course not.  While she is a unique, valuable, and formidable game piece, she can win the game only when working in concert with the other fifteen pieces.  Even the King, whom the other 15 pieces are protecting, has a role to play.  Each pawn, bishop, knight, and rook is vital to winning the game, just like every member of society contributes to its development.

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4 thoughts on “No, Really, The Queen is not the Only Reason You Won that Chess Game

  1. Great timing on this post. I just started a job and it’s hard to find the positive meaning of what I’m doing, but it’s a good reminder that every job has special significance in society.

    Thank you for the reminder!

    1. It can be really difficult to find the meaning in every action… I also struggle with it. Maybe this is where the community steps in – when one member of the community gives up hope and starts forgetting about this, another can remind them, so on, so forth.

  2. You might not win because of the queen, but you can’t win without her. It’s important not to undervalue her just because she is better than the others.

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