
Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine: A small introduction

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I’ve mentioned it a couple of times in previous posts, and, for those of you who have read it, the language in some of my posts has changed infinitesimally after having read it. I’m talking about Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine, and although I would love to review it, I still haven’t managed to do so. It’s not only because it’s such a heavy subject to review or that I want to read parts of it again to make sure I understood it before I review it or even that I want to take a look at the documents and the history Naomi Klein refers to in her book – it’s also that I’m slightly intimidated. I feel like I’m Stephenie Meyer trying to review Bram Stoker or something.

In any case, the subject is too important for me not to talk about, even if I have yet managed to start that promised review (new year’s resolution, anyone?). So here is the link to an interview Naomi Klein did on the Colbert Report on October 8th that, while hilarious and, of course, mildly goofy, it still underlies the major thesis in the book: for the last forty years, governments around the world have been taking advantage of shock (caused by natural disasters or, say, wars), to push forward a disastrous agenda of privatization which had lead to the creation of hollow governments overspending to outsource responsibilities such as education, health and security to private companies.

You can view the clip here.

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2 thoughts on “Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine: A small introduction

  1. The Shock Doctrine is the most thoroughly discredited public policy book of the last 10 years. It’s been destroyed by right-wing statists, left-wing statists (e.g., the New Republic), and even non-statists (e.g., Cato). There’s no reason to review it.

    1. Really! I have started looking into the information mentioned in the book and it does make sense. Do you have any specific documentation I could take a look at? I always like having both sides of the story.

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