Community, Community Building, Personal Development

Learning to Live with Diversity: Accepting Modesty in an Era of Everything But

I often write about the importance of building communities in which inhabitants discuss, understand, and appreciate each other’s beliefs, however different they may be (here, here, and here). The touchier the topic, the clearer the need for an increasing number of people to develop these capacities, lest any attempts at a conversation on said matter… Read More Learning to Live with Diversity: Accepting Modesty in an Era of Everything But

Personal Development

Spring Forth with New Year’s Resolutions, Part II: Inspirational Journals

Journaling has been such an important part of my quest to achieve New Year’s resolutions. Because I spend so much time jotting down thoughts, reflections, quotes, learnings, and insights, I choose both pens and journals very carefully. While I have a propensity for Moleskine journals, other journals also make their way into my hands. These… Read More Spring Forth with New Year’s Resolutions, Part II: Inspirational Journals