Fringe, Halloween, Special Occasions, Supernatural, The X-files, The X-Files, TV, X-files

Halloween on Sahar’s Blog: Fans’ Real Love for The X-Files, Fringe, and Supernatural

Let’s be honest: while fans love the scare factor in The X-Files, the real reason that they keep coming has nothing to do with the paranormal.  The keep coming for the same two reasons fans of Fringe and Supernatural return: the relationship between the main characters and the deeper concepts each show touches on. In… Read More Halloween on Sahar’s Blog: Fans’ Real Love for The X-Files, Fringe, and Supernatural

Halloween, Special Occasions, Supernatural

Halloween on Sahar’s Blog: Ten Scariest Supernatural Episodes from Seasons 1 and 2

Tomorrow’s Halloween! And because it’s happening on a Saturday, this really is the best weekend of the year to binge watch some of the scariest television I know of (or perhaps dared watch?) Three series make an appearance on this blog year after year: The X-Files, Fringe, and Supernatural. This week’s regularly scheduled posts will… Read More Halloween on Sahar’s Blog: Ten Scariest Supernatural Episodes from Seasons 1 and 2

Halloween, Special Occasions

Halloween on Sahar’s Blog: Top Ten Scariest Fringe Episodes

Only a few days before Halloween! This is the best week of the year to binge watch some of the scariest television I know of (or perhaps dared watch?) Three series make an appearance year after year: The X-Files, Fringe, and Supernatural. This week’s regularly scheduled posts will be joined by three extra, special Halloween… Read More Halloween on Sahar’s Blog: Top Ten Scariest Fringe Episodes

Halloween, Special Occasions, The X-files, The X-Files, TV, X-files

Halloween on Sahar’s Blog: Top Twenty Scariest X-Files Episodes

Less than a week before Halloween! This is the best week of the year to binge watch some of the scariest television I know of (or perhaps dared watch?) Three series make an appearance year after year: The X-Files, Fringe, and Supernatural. This week’s regularly scheduled posts will be joined by three extra, special Halloween… Read More Halloween on Sahar’s Blog: Top Twenty Scariest X-Files Episodes