Community, Community Building, Community Development

Epiphanies and Realisations: Most People Are Kind, and Most People Want to Change Things

Trying to contribute to the betterment of the world starts with bettering ourselves, our families, and our communities.  It’s empowering to work on oneself and to see the changes in one’s personality; I regularly hit up my old journals and am amazed by how ridiculous I sound to myself a mere year later! For those… Read More Epiphanies and Realisations: Most People Are Kind, and Most People Want to Change Things

Community Building

The Most Peaceful Anti-Trolling Movement Ever: Go Forth and Comment, Kind People!

Continuing with my established tradition to refer to inaccurate numbers when writing posts for this blog, I would like to share a totally made up and very vague statistic: that most people in the world are nice. At least of the people that I know and interact with regularly, most are. From the members of… Read More The Most Peaceful Anti-Trolling Movement Ever: Go Forth and Comment, Kind People!