Book Recommendation, Book Review, Books, Borna's Round-Up, Non Fiction, Review

Borna’s Monthly Book Recommendation: ‘The Wisdom of Teams’, by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith

Team work is essential to a lot of things.  I am quite relieved to know that Borna is reading up quite avidly on the topic–not only is it helping him as a member of the community as well as professionally, he has been able to infuse our relationship with the wisdom gained through such reading… Read More Borna’s Monthly Book Recommendation: ‘The Wisdom of Teams’, by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith

Book Recommendation, Borna's Round-Up, Non Fiction

Borna’s Monthly Book Recommendation: ‘Do The Work’, by Steven Pressfield

Borna and I have many a common interest, which bodes well for our marriage 😉  One of them is creativity; more specifically, the role that work and discipline have to do with bringing creativity to life.  How do you balance out letting one’s creativity loose while making sure the right channels have been created for… Read More Borna’s Monthly Book Recommendation: ‘Do The Work’, by Steven Pressfield