Movie Review, Review, The M0vie Blog, The X-Files, The X-files, TV, TV Review, X-files

The M0vie Blog’s Review of “The X-Files: I Want to Believe”

The M0vie Blog has probably a lot on their plate and just like other bloggers **coughsmecoughs*, hasn’t yet had the time to review the new season of The X-Files.  But thankfully there is still a review for, oh, every single other episode of the show AND both movies, so I think I’ll be OK for… Read More The M0vie Blog’s Review of “The X-Files: I Want to Believe”

Apt 42 Revisited, Review, The X-Files, The X-files, TV, TV Review, X-files

Apt. 42’s Review of The X-Files, Season 10, Episode 6: ‘My Struggle II’

Although at first I was a little put off by the new, Season 10 episodes of The X-Files, I have to admit that I am starting to reconsider my opinion.  I still think the execution was lacking–the first and last episodes of the run were too hurried and not particularly well written, for example, and… Read More Apt. 42’s Review of The X-Files, Season 10, Episode 6: ‘My Struggle II’

Review, The M0vie Blog, TV Review, X-files

The M0vie Blog’s Review of The X-Files, Season 3, Episode 20: ‘’Jose Chung’s ‘From Outer Space'”

I don’t know about you guys, but the six-episode revival of The X-Files has let me feeling a little out of sorts.  I was elated to have Mulder and Scully back and there were some definite amazing moments in the Season 10 run.  But that’s the thing: I felt that only moments were amazing.  Because… Read More The M0vie Blog’s Review of The X-Files, Season 3, Episode 20: ‘’Jose Chung’s ‘From Outer Space'”


Apt. 42’s Review of The X-Files, Season 10, Episode 1: ‘My Struggle’

What with the new season of The X-Files, it was only natural that I would choose to  feature Apt. 42 Revisited‘s review of the first episode of Season 10, an episode that has generated a lot of conversation and disagreement between hard-core fans and a lot of confusion among casual ones.  I like the realistic,… Read More Apt. 42’s Review of The X-Files, Season 10, Episode 1: ‘My Struggle’

Review, The X-Files, The X-files, TV, TV Review, X-files

TV Review: The X-Files, Season 10, Episode 3: ‘Mulder & Scully Meet the Were-Monster’

The hurried and packed nature of first episode of The X-Files revival left me feeling both incredibly happy and a little harried; the second episode left me happy and intrigued; the third episode left me laughing and elated. A brilliant Darin Morgan script was brought to life through great acting from our usual dynamic duo,… Read More TV Review: The X-Files, Season 10, Episode 3: ‘Mulder & Scully Meet the Were-Monster’

Review, The X-files, The X-Files, TV, TV Review, X-files

TV Review: The X-Files, Season 10, Episode 2: ‘Founder’s Mutation’

It was so nice seeing a new episode of The X-Files with the season opener, “My Struggle”. But while it revived something I had feared long dead (do you know the number of petitions I signed?) it was also an episode so crammed and cramped it left me feeling dissatisfied—kind of like when you overeat… Read More TV Review: The X-Files, Season 10, Episode 2: ‘Founder’s Mutation’

Review, The M0vie Blog, The X-files, The X-Files, TV, TV Review, X-files

The M0vie Blog’s Review of The X-Files, Season 9, Episodes 19 & 20: ‘The Truth’

The reviews of episodes of The X-Files done by both Max at Apt. 42 Revisited and Darren at The M0vie Blog are almost as good as watching the episode’s themselves, each for their own reason. Darren’s reviews are well researched thesis-like essays that are a pleasure to plunge into. I try to synchronize the featured… Read More The M0vie Blog’s Review of The X-Files, Season 9, Episodes 19 & 20: ‘The Truth’

Apt 42 Revisited, The X-Files, The X-files, TV, TV Review, X-files

Apt. 42’s Review of The X-Files, Season 2, Episode 22: ‘F. Emasculata’

It comes as no surprise to long-term readers of my blog that I love The X-Files.  Reviewing every episode has been a long-term project of mine, second only to my X-Files Facebook Project.  And so, until I have finished said project, I am lucky to have been given permission to share my friend Max’ reviews… Read More Apt. 42’s Review of The X-Files, Season 2, Episode 22: ‘F. Emasculata’

Review, The M0vie Blog, The X-Files, The X-files, TV Review, X-files

The M0vie Blog’s Review of The X-Files, Season 3, Episode 1: ‘The Blessing Way’

The reviews of episodes of The X-Files done by both Max at Apt. 42 Revisited and Darren at The M0vie Blog are almost as good as watching the episode’s themselves, each for their own reason. Darren’s reviews are well researched thesis-like essays that are a pleasure to plunge into. I have to admit that my… Read More The M0vie Blog’s Review of The X-Files, Season 3, Episode 1: ‘The Blessing Way’

The M0vie Blog, The X-Files, The X-files, TV, X-files

The M0vie Blog’s Review of The X-Files, Season 2, Episode 21: ‘The Calusari’

The reviews of episodes of The X-Files done by both Max at Apt. 42 Revisited and Darren at The M0vie Blog are almost as good as watching the episode’s themselves, each for their own reason. Darren’s reviews are well researched thesis-like essays that are a pleasure to plunge into. I have to admit that my… Read More The M0vie Blog’s Review of The X-Files, Season 2, Episode 21: ‘The Calusari’