Glee, Music Review, TV Review

Music Review: Glee, The Music, Volume 3 Showstoppers (Deluxe)

Straight on the heels of the best-selling Power of Madonna mini-album comes Showstoppers, the music to the second half of Glee’s first season. Now while some people might find Glee filled with cheesy clichés – and let’s be honest, it is – the cast members really know how to sing. Even if you don’t watch… Read More Music Review: Glee, The Music, Volume 3 Showstoppers (Deluxe)

Glee, Music Review, TV Review

Music Review: Songs From the Glee Episode “Home”

As a new Gleek (thank you to fellow BC writer Chelsea and to my littlest sister Bukem), I still find some things rather confusing. One of the main things that has been bugging me is the fact that the storyline in Glee is treated rather superficially. Hey, I watch Fringe guys – and that show… Read More Music Review: Songs From the Glee Episode “Home”