While as a whole, humanity has evolved in amazing ways – we went to the moon! we can see the cellular structure of the human body! we can know where anyone in the world is if we wanted to! – things aren’t going as well as they can these days. As the despair in the world increases, more and more people are wondering where they can turn to for strength.
One place many turn to is religion, because “Armed with the power of Thy Name, nothing can ever hurt me, and with Thy love in my heart all the world’s afflictions can in no wise alarm me”. This quote by Baha’u’llah is what inspired the song and videoclip below – which is absolutely fantastic and is sure to make you tear up. If I were you, I’d make sure to have at least a couple of Kleenex’ lying around!
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.772516&w=425&h=350&fv=clip_id%3D2228238%26server%3Dvimeo.com%26autoplay%3D0%26fullscreen%3D1%26md5%3D0%26show_portrait%3D0%26show_title%3D0%26show_byline%3D0%26context%3Duser%3A924640%26context_id%3D%26force_embed%3D0%26multimoog%3D%26color%3D00ADEF]