
Little by little, day by day: changing the world one personal initiative at a time

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One of the very important ingredients in helping advance humanity onto its noble destiny is that of individual initiative. Whatever we do, what we can’t do is, well, to do nothing. As long as everyone is united in their vision of a better future and act, however small the contribution, however humble the effort, it will yield great results. Of that I am convinced, and while perusing the internet, I see more and more glimmerings that indicate that personal initiative and grassroots operations are being given more and more due course.

Of course not every endeavour will (or even should) end with worldwide recognition; service comes from a deep desire to help advance humanity, and not to get recognition. But the fact that the world is more and more giving recognition to such grassroots efforts, sometimes led by a single individual, is quite telling of the times, when the ground is fertile to get so much done.

For example, you have this story:

It was a lecture by world-renowned economist Jeffrey Sachs in September 2006 that propelled Shawn Ahmed to put his graduate studies on hold, liquidate his savings and buy a plane ticket to Bangladesh to try to make a difference.

Since then, the 29-year-old Toronto video blogger has managed to attract a huge following on YouTube, where his videos have been described as changing the way people think about global poverty.

More than 80,000 people subscribe to his videos — that’s 10 times more than agencies such as Save the Children and UNICEF. He founded the Uncultured Project, which he describes as his journey to make the world a better place by inspiring people “to believe that we can be the generation that ends extreme poverty.”

Ahmed’s videos have given a voice to rural Bangladeshis. The reaction resulted in enough money raised to rebuild a school that was destroyed by a storm.

How amazing is that? Any one person can basically take a 100$ digital camera, open a YouTube account and chronicle their journey to leading a life of service to humanity.

And no, I am not taking up vlogging! 😉


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