Community Building

Regaining the Lost Art of Conversation: A Vital Component to Building a Better World

My Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr feeds have been taken over by an increasingly acebic conversation between fans and critics of pretty much anything that is released by the entertainment industry these days.  And the more the media in question pushes the boundaries, the sharper the words that are used.  With the upcoming release of the… Read More Regaining the Lost Art of Conversation: A Vital Component to Building a Better World

Community, Community Building, Community Development, Consultation

The Implications of Diversity: We Can All Be Right

This is a very sensitive topic to discuss, and, while I have made every effort to translate into words as “mild as milk” my ideas, I apologize in advance if something I wrote ends up hurting someone. As a religious person, I find myself constantly under attack—the same attack that religion is accused of putting… Read More The Implications of Diversity: We Can All Be Right

Community, Community Building, Community Development

Perceiving Disunity: Just as Dangerous as Disunity Itself?

A friend of mine who is from a specific part of the world decided recently to organize a get together only for people from that area, kind of like a missing-home get together.  I thought it was a great idea, until another friend of mine, from another part of the world, pointed out that it… Read More Perceiving Disunity: Just as Dangerous as Disunity Itself?

Community, Community Building, Community Development

The Real Meaning of Unity: Removing Obstacles to Fulfilling our True Purpose in Life

Quite unfortunately, community-building doesn’t just happen when a group of good-willed individuals come together. Not that good-will doesn’t help! But it’s not enough. All the good-will in the world cannot be properly channeled unless there is unity. If we think of the community-building process as rowing, it becomes clear that we can have a lot… Read More The Real Meaning of Unity: Removing Obstacles to Fulfilling our True Purpose in Life

Community, Community Building, Community Development, Consultation, Family, Governance

From Governing One’s Family to Governing the World: Learning to Use the Vital Instrument of Consultation

Someone recently mentioned that there is no institution older than that of marriage, which really got me thinking. If this institution has been part of human society for millennia, why are we still so terrible at maintaining it, with divorce rates in North America so high? No wonder, then, that so many conversations revolve on… Read More From Governing One’s Family to Governing the World: Learning to Use the Vital Instrument of Consultation

Community, Community Building, Community Development, Consultation

Why Compete? Building on Strength as an Approach to Seek Truth

I have had the amazing opportunity, in the last year or so, to both see and be a part of decision-making processes that were very different from what I had experienced previously. Those processes were based on one person convincing the others that his or her opinion was the best. It felt more like a… Read More Why Compete? Building on Strength as an Approach to Seek Truth

Community Building, Community Development, Consultation

Conversing to Consult or Conversing to Convince: Implications for Community Building

Living on different continents allows for the immersion into different types of cultures.  The way these differ is a great way of gaining insight into patterns of behaviour that affect our personal development and our contribution to building vibrant communities. A really interesting surprise was the difference between conversation styles in different cultures.  In some,… Read More Conversing to Consult or Conversing to Convince: Implications for Community Building

Community, Community Building, Community Development, Personal Development

Voicing Our Concern for Injustice: It Starts at the Very Foundation of Our Societies

If you are a long time reader of my blog, it will come as absolutely no surprise that I am a firm believer in the power of the individual to make a difference. And I believe in this power not only in the small or even medium things, but in the big things. One such… Read More Voicing Our Concern for Injustice: It Starts at the Very Foundation of Our Societies

The X-files, The X-Files, TV, X-files

The Dichotomy in the X-Files That Kept Mulder and Scully from the Truth

It’s the week before Halloween and I’m all about re-watching all things The X-Files, Fringe, and Supernatural related! And of course it triggers not just the scare-centre of my brain but random thoughts on the topics, themes, and subjects that inspire the other posts on this blog. The seventeenth episode of The X-Files’ Season 2,… Read More The Dichotomy in the X-Files That Kept Mulder and Scully from the Truth

Consultation, Empowerement, Gender Identity, Gender Studies, Marriage, Personal Development

What Did He Mean? Some Thoughts on Justin Bieber’s Latest Track

Let’s be honest, ladies; we do experience mood swings that take us completely by surprise. It’s so confusing, irritating, and frustrating to not understand what is going on in our own bodies and minds. I can understand that it’s also irritating to those around us to live through a mood swing; but what is needed… Read More What Did He Mean? Some Thoughts on Justin Bieber’s Latest Track